A great article from Inc Magazine highlighting behaviors we see in leaders people WANT to follow. Beyond the title and past positions held, people that consistently and genuinely demonstrate these behaviors go on to accomplish great things. Take a read... 10 Signs You Really Are a Leader (and Might Not Know It) Many times people who influence us the most aren't even aware they are leading us. by Lolly Daskal http://www.inc.com/lolly-daskal/10-signs-you-really-are-a-leader-and-might-not-know-it.html From Entrepreneur.com Are you seeking to be a leader that people admire, one whose team is motivated and engaged? A leader who faces each day with a smile, no matter what comes, and leaves feeling satisfaction despite the challenges of the day? A nice reminder from Jacqueline Whitmore on the benefits of kindness in our lives and that of those around us. Read the full article here 8 Effortless Ways to Make Kindness Part of Every Day Kindness is Contagious http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/272431 Sometimes my clients struggle to connect with their leadership team members. Everyone is polite, does what they need to do to get the job done, but interactions are polite, brief... there seems to be a lack of engagement. One of the first areas I check is how well does the team really know you - as a person, as a human being, understanding the context of the challenge you face? When I speak of leadership vulnerability, often times the first reaction I get is a fear to show themselves as weak or incapable. Actually, over the years I have learned the opposite. Leaders who can show vulnerability invite a connection and relationship with their team members that is far stronger than a leader who tries to appear perfect and knows all the answers. This article is a great summary of some of the real life experience I have had as a leader myself as well as with my clients. from Entrepreneur Magazine Practice the Magical Strength of Vulnerability by Beth Miller Read the full article here http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/254229
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