from HBR... Are you an "intense attack-mode" junkie? Do you thrive on the adrenaline and caffeine buzz, over-scheduling yourself, and getting things done just in the nick of time, that "productive stress"? Feel like you've run a marathon after a day in the office? Emma Seppala points out that "when sustained over longer periods – chronic stress compromises our immunity, memory, and attention span. In other words, high intensity — whether it’s from negative states like anxiety or positive states like excitement — taxes the body." Then gives us some suggestions on how we can balance ourselves. read the full article here (remember you can read 8 free articles a month on HBR) Your High-Intensity Feelings May Be Tiring You Out A great article from Inc Magazine highlighting behaviors we see in leaders people WANT to follow. Beyond the title and past positions held, people that consistently and genuinely demonstrate these behaviors go on to accomplish great things. Take a read... 10 Signs You Really Are a Leader (and Might Not Know It) Many times people who influence us the most aren't even aware they are leading us. by Lolly Daskal |
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